by admin | Nov 20, 2023 | Labour and Birth, Parenting, Postpartum
Balancing the NICU and Home Life: Tips for Parents The arrival of a new baby is a busy and life-changing experience. Now, imagine that this isn’t your first child, and your precious new addition needs to spend time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)....
by admin | Sep 25, 2023 | Postpartum, Uncategorized
Creating a Postpartum Plan It is common for expecting couples to prepare for their birth. They will take the prenatal classes and read the books and do the prenatal yoga and download the guided birth meditation. However, it is also common for them to spend less time...
by admin | Oct 3, 2018 | Dads, Featured, Parenting, Postpartum
Just imagine all the reading, consults, appointments, groups and classes we engage in to prepare for our labour day! We make a birth plan, we choose our caregivers, we enroll in a prenatal yoga class, we hire a doula, all so we can hopefully have a positive and...
by admin | Jun 17, 2014 | Postpartum
The baby has finally arrived, and they are so cute and the love of your life! So why do you feel so…..tired, uncertain, sore, teary, cranky, hot, sweaty, leaky, unattractive……happy, proud, organized, wise and joyful? Well if that is the list of...