by admin | Jun 24, 2014 | Parenting
The wave of technology that has occurred over, even the last 5 years is staggering. What they say is really true “There’s an app for that” and in the baby world this is no exception. Here are some apps we have found that seem would be a good...
by admin | Jun 20, 2014 | Breastfeeding
So breastfeeding isn’t going according to the dream? Well you are certainly not alone. The majority of women experience some difficulties establishing breastfeeding for the first time. These expectant moms watch other women out there effortlessly breastfeeding...
by admin | Jun 17, 2014 | Postpartum
The baby has finally arrived, and they are so cute and the love of your life! So why do you feel so…..tired, uncertain, sore, teary, cranky, hot, sweaty, leaky, unattractive……happy, proud, organized, wise and joyful? Well if that is the list of...
by admin | Jun 9, 2014 | Parenting
There are many factors to consider when thinking about whether or not you are ready for another baby. Are you prepared physically, emotionally, mentally, financially? What are the pros and cons of spacing? What are your priorities? What can you handle? And what...
by admin | Jun 5, 2014 | Dads
Through my 11 years experience teaching families how to prepare for their birth experience I have carefully created a top 10 list for dads (or support partners) to help them successfully navigate the waters of childbirth and be the rock star when it is all said and...