Stop the Crying-Helping your Newborn Stay Happy

Stop the Crying-Helping your Newborn Stay Happy

How fast do you move when you hear your baby cry?  Most parents acquire stealth speed and can hear their little one from a mile away.  No one likes to hear a baby cry.  However newborns are especially good at it, it’s the only way they know to get your...
Back When I Was a Perfect Parent

Back When I Was a Perfect Parent

Believe it or not there was a brief time that I felt like a perfect parent.  I remember it distinctly because I believe it was the only moment in time this has ever happened.  I had 2 small children, my oldest was about 3 and my second born was 1.  I had just finished...
Write it Down-Baby Books and Memeories

Write it Down-Baby Books and Memeories

As I have become the proud mama of an 18 year old boy I have done much reflection on my role as mom.  This has been a bitter sweet experience, as I am sure it is for all moms out there.  Although there has been a few regrets this is probably one of the biggest.  I did...