by admin | Aug 5, 2014 | Labour and Birth
Transition! Have you heard about THIS stage of labour? It is where all the good stories come from. This is usually the most difficult and intense and painful part of labour. If you consider that your body is doing the same amount of physical change as the other...
by admin | Jul 31, 2014 | Labour and Birth
You have now moved into the “active” stage of labour. Contractions are much more intense, often 3-5 minutes apart and are lasting about 1 minute long. It is much more difficult to walk or talk through these contractions. It is time to get your game on....
by admin | Jul 28, 2014 | Labour and Birth
During the Early Stages of Labour a woman can expect to feel many physical and emotional changes. Here are some things to expect: What is happening As your labor becomes more active you may notice one or more of the following signs: In the beginning your contractions...
by admin | Jul 25, 2014 | Labour and Birth
Have we given away our power for the birth of our own child? Do we have the “they know best” mentality and allow it to sidetrack our labour into something, in the end, we don’t even recognize as anything resembling our “birth plan”....
by admin | Jul 14, 2014 | Labour and Birth
Several years ago I was asked to speak at the Calgary Baby & Tot Show at the BMO Center. I said “sure of course what would you like me to speak on?” They promptly replied, “How to have a faster easier birth.” Well immediately I know I...