As I have become the proud mama of an 18 year old boy I have done much reflection on my role as mom. This has been a bitter sweet experience, as I am sure it is for all moms out there. Although there has been a few regrets this is probably one of the biggest. I did not consistently document my kids milestones, cute sayings, and events. This I regret!
So to all the mamas and papas out there with small kids WRITE IT DOWN, or record it, picture it, baby book it or journal it, or heck write point form in your notes app. What ever and all of the above.
This I wish I did better.
So here a few ideas to best document your child’s life, make these a habit and you will have one less thing on your list of regrets, and that is always a good thing.
There are so many cute ideas to document the first year. Pictures really do say a 1000 words (but use some words anyway!) I’ve seen babies beside the same stuffed toy for size reference, I’ve seen babies out growing the same outfit for size reference, or for some just the comparison (like above) is just fine. Be sure to write out the major milestones of each month to add to it.
The baby book has obviously been around for a while. There are so many to choose from. So buy it but really the key is actually use it. Nothing is worse than going through your childs room when they are 6 and finding the half used baby book.
Also I would recommend getting a small notebook or journal and keeping it with you AT ALL TIMES. As your child grows they will say and do the most awesome things, and chances are you will not be at home when it happens. Don’t make the same mistake as me and think that you will remember later to write it down. YOU DON”T. So get in the habit of carrying this journal with you and using it. You will not regret that habit for one second.
The digital age is really your friend. Use it to your advantage. Instead of the traditional scrapbooking which took hours and hours and hours that most people don’t have (although highly therapeutic) the digital version has improved immensely and is so much faster. Template, input words throw some pictures in and your done.
Also get into recording your children as well. With the iPhone, iPad, smart phone, smart camera, or any old camera really, you have no more excuses to not be video taping your kids. Compile them on an external hard drive and you have your memories saved and safe.
Trust me when I say that it is so very worth the effort to make recording your child’s memories a habit. Because one day you blink and you will be here: